How to Start a Online Tutoring Business Step By Step

  1. Renaud Gagne's Headshot
    Renaud Gagne

    Editor in Chief

A Decorative Image


The online tutoring industry has experienced significant growth in recent years, fueled by advancements in technology and a growing demand for personalized, flexible learning solutions. As remote work and digital education become more prevalent, starting an online tutoring business has emerged as one of the top 7 remote businesses to start this year. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of starting an online tutoring business step by step, covering everything from identifying your niche to scaling your business for long-term success.

Identifying Your Niche and Subjects

Someone researching the internet

1. Assess Your Skills and Interests

Start by taking inventory of your own skills, expertise, and interests. Consider your academic background, professional experience, and personal passions. Think about the subjects you excel in or enjoy teaching. This will help you determine which areas you can confidently offer tutoring services in.

2. Research the Market

Next, research the market to identify areas with high demand for tutoring services. Look for trends in education, gaps in the market, or subjects that are consistently in demand. Resources like Google Trends and Keyword Planner can help you gather data on popular subjects and target markets.

Wonder how to use Google Trends and Google Keyword Planner to find your niche? Read our article on how to find your niche using Google Trends & Google Keyword Planner.

3. Choose Your Niche

After identifying your skills and researching the market, choose a niche or set of subjects that align with your interests and expertise. Focusing on a specific niche allows you to tailor your services to a particular audience, making it easier to market your tutoring business and establish yourself as an expert in the field.

4. Decide on Your Target Audience

Finally, determine your target audience. This might include students at a specific grade level, professionals seeking to improve their skills, or individuals with particular learning needs. Knowing your target audience will help you develop a marketing strategy that effectively reaches and engages your ideal clients.

Developing Your Teaching Skills and Expertise

Udemy website for online learning

1. Identify Areas for Improvement

Assess your current teaching abilities and identify areas where you could improve. This might include developing better communication skills, learning new teaching methodologies, or staying up-to-date with the latest trends in education.

2. Invest in Professional Development

Consider enrolling in relevant courses or training programs to enhance your teaching skills. Some popular platforms for finding courses include Udemy and Coursera. On Udemy, you can find several courses focused on teaching, such as How to Teach Online and Effective Teaching Strategies.

3. Develop Your Expertise in Your Niche

Finally, continuously deepen your knowledge in your chosen niche. Stay current on the latest developments, research, and resources related to your subject matter. The more knowledgeable and skilled you are in your subject area, the more value you can provide to your students.

Setting Up Your Online Tutoring Business

Desk with journal and a coffee

1. Choose a Business Name and Structure

Come up with a unique and memorable name for your tutoring business that reflects your brand and the subjects you teach. Decide on a business structure, such as a sole proprietorship, LLC, or corporation, depending on your needs and preferences.

2. Register Your Business

Complete the necessary steps to register your business, obtain any required permits or licenses, and ensure that you are compliant with any regulations specific to your location.

3. Select a Platform for Your Tutoring Services

There are several platforms available for delivering online tutoring services. Some popular options include:

  1. Teachable – An all-in-one platform for creating and selling online courses.
  2. – A platform that connects tutors with students seeking help in various subjects.
  3. VIPKid – An online teaching platform focused on teaching English to students in China.
  4. Wyzant – A marketplace for tutors offering both in-person and online tutoring services.
  5. Chegg Tutors – A platform that connects students with expert tutors for on-demand help.

Choose a platform that best suits your needs and target audience.

4. Develop Your Branding and Marketing Materials

Create a consistent and professional brand image for your online tutoring business. This may include designing a logo, developing a color scheme, and creating marketing materials such as business cards, flyers, and social media graphics.

5. Set Up Your Online Presence

Build a professional website that showcases your expertise, services, and testimonials from satisfied students. Create social media profiles on platforms relevant to your target audience, such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, to promote your business and connect with potential clients.

Pricing Your Services

Pricing tags

1. Research Market Rates

Investigate the going rates for online tutoring in your chosen subject(s) and geographical area. You can do this by browsing other tutoring websites and platforms to get a sense of the price range for similar services.

2. Determine Your Desired Income and Expenses

Take into consideration the income you want to generate from your tutoring business and any expenses you may have, such as platform fees, marketing costs, and materials. This will help you understand the amount you need to charge per hour or per session to cover your costs and achieve your desired income.

3. Set Your Pricing Strategy

Decide whether to charge by the hour, by the session, or on a per-package basis. You may also want to offer different pricing tiers based on the level of support provided, such as basic tutoring, intensive coaching, or exam preparation.

4. Offer Promotions or Discounts

Consider offering promotions or discounts to attract new clients, such as a free trial session, discounted rates for purchasing multiple sessions in advance, or special pricing for referrals. This can help build your client base and encourage long-term relationships with your students.

Marketing Your Online Tutoring Business

Business sign saying we are open

1. Develop a Marketing Strategy

Create a marketing plan that combines local and online strategies to reach a broader audience. Focus on establishing your brand as an expert in your chosen subject and highlighting the value you can provide to students.

2. Local Marketing

  • Private schools and educational institutions: Reach out to local private schools and educational institutions to introduce your services and offer special discounts for their students.
  • Community Facebook groups: Join local community Facebook groups to promote your tutoring services, share valuable content, and engage with potential clients.
  • Local events and workshops: Attend local events and workshops related to your subject area to network with potential clients and establish yourself as an expert in the community.

3. Online Marketing

  • Social media: Utilize social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share valuable content, engage with potential clients, and showcase your expertise.
  • Content marketing: Create a blog or YouTube channel to share helpful tips, tricks, and strategies related to your subject area, which can help establish your credibility and attract new clients.
  • Online tutoring platforms: Register on global online tutoring marketplaces like and Wyzant to reach students from around the world.

4. Leverage Testimonials and Referrals

Collect testimonials from satisfied students and their parents to build social proof and credibility. Encourage your clients to refer your services to their friends and family, offering incentives or discounts for successful referrals.

Managing Students and Scheduling

Paper calendar

1. Create a System for Managing Student Information

Develop a system for organizing and maintaining student information, including contact details, progress reports, and lesson plans. Use tools like spreadsheets or specialized software to keep track of important data and ensure easy access when needed.

2. Set Up an Online Scheduling Tool

Utilize an online scheduling tool like Calendly or Acuity Scheduling to streamline the booking process for your students. These tools allow students to view your availability, book sessions, and receive automatic reminders, reducing the likelihood of missed appointments.

3. Set Boundaries for Availability

Establish clear boundaries for your availability by setting specific hours for tutoring sessions and limiting last-minute bookings. Communicate your schedule to your students and their parents, and ensure you have enough time for lesson preparation and personal commitments.

4. Develop a Lesson Planning System

Create a system for planning and organizing your lessons, ensuring that you cover all necessary topics and cater to each student’s unique learning style. Incorporate a mix of teaching methods, such as interactive activities, multimedia resources, and practice exercises to keep students engaged and motivated.

5. Maintain Regular Communication with Students and Parents

Establish a communication channel with your students and their parents, providing regular updates on progress and addressing any concerns or questions they may have. This helps build trust and ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding expectations and goals.

6. Monitor Student Progress and Provide Feedback

Track your students’ progress through assessments, quizzes, and regular feedback. Use this information to adjust your teaching methods and lesson plans to better suit their needs and ensure their continued growth and improvement.

Maintaining Work-Life Balance

Someone relaxing and looking over the mountain

1. Set a Schedule and Establish Boundaries

Create a clear schedule for your online tutoring sessions, allocating specific hours for work and personal time. Set boundaries to avoid overworking and ensure you have time to rest and recharge. Communicate your availability to your students and their parents to manage expectations and prevent last-minute disruptions.

2. Prioritize Self-Care and Personal Interests

Make time for self-care activities, such as exercise, meditation, or pursuing hobbies, to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Engaging in activities outside of your online tutoring business helps reduce stress, increase overall well-being, and prevent burnout.

3. Develop a Support Network

Connect with other online tutors or professionals in the education industry to share experiences, challenges, and tips for managing work-life balance. Building a support network can provide valuable insights and encouragement, helping you navigate the unique challenges of running an online tutoring business.

4. Continuously Evaluate Your Workload

Regularly assess your workload to ensure it remains manageable and sustainable. If necessary, consider adjusting your tutoring hours, the number of students you work with, or even outsourcing administrative tasks to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

5. Create a Dedicated Workspace

Set up a dedicated workspace for your online tutoring business, separate from your personal living areas. This physical separation helps create a mental divide between work and personal life, making it easier to switch off and unwind when you’re not tutoring.

6. Take Time Off

Remember to schedule time off, whether it’s for vacations, holidays, or personal days. Taking breaks from your online tutoring business allows you to recharge and return to work with renewed energy and focus.


In this guide, we’ve covered the key steps to starting and running a successful online tutoring business. By identifying your niche and subjects, developing your teaching skills, setting up your business, and marketing effectively, you can tap into the growing demand for online education. Remember to manage your students and scheduling efficiently, while also maintaining a healthy work-life balance to ensure long-term success. Now is the perfect time to take action and launch your online tutoring business.